Sunday, April 8, 2007

What Fun I've Had in Denver

Here are some more of my Denver "adventures"! I spent Friday taking care of Ruthie - yikes! poor Grandma is getting old. She is one precious little girl. The "big" excitement for the day was to take her to the doctor's office to meet my daughter and son in-law for Ruthie's one year checkup. I put Ruthie down for her nap about 1:30 and woke her up at 2:30 so we could get ready to go. She was mad and refused to sit up in her crib so I could get her out. The mattress is set way down low because she stands up now and this grandma is short and so are my arms. I finally convinced her to reach for my hand and so we got up and out. Got her changed, she was not a happy girl, and I knew she needed a bottle. Went downstairs and she wouldn't let me put her down, so I sat her on the kitchen counter with one arm across her lap and somehow made the bottle. She was happy with that, so I went and tried to dress her in the new coat and hat I knitted for her and that wasn't exactly what she wanted either, but I was successful. Picked her up with the bottle, grabbed my purse and knitting bag (I never go anywhere without that) and walked out the door, locked it and we were off - sort of....

Jen and Jon have 2 steps down from their front porch which was fine - I had something to hold onto. Then came the 4 steep steps down to the street where the car was parked - oh dear - I'm not good at walking down steps where there isn't a railing - especially scary with a 20 lb. baby in my arms. It was snowing and I figured no one was looking, so I sat down on the sidewalk and made it down the steps on my tush with Ruthie on my lap. Whew!!! Getting her strapped into the car seat wasn't so easy either, but again, I managed. Off we went - I forgot the directions, but I sort of remembered them. About a mile into this journey, Ruthie starts screaming. I have no clue because sitting backward in that car seat, I can't see her. I kept trying to comfort her and finally turning up the music seemed to help. When we reached the doctor's office, I saw why. The hat I had knitted her fell down over her eyes.

Yesterday was Ruthie's birthday party. About 25 people came - kids too. Ruthie loved her cake and went into it with both hands. She was the cutest mess I'd ever seen. Ruthie's daycare mom came by right before the party. She lives just across the street from them and proudly announced how she saw me crawling down the steps on my bottom with Ruthie! I got caught!!! Jen says she doesn't miss a thing.

Last night we went for dinner at a Brazilian steak house. Miss Ruthie was in 7th heaven with all the food. She loves watermelon - not to mention the mashed potatoes, bits of hard boiled egg, lamb and steak. And what a good girl she was.

This trip has been so much fun - and lucky Grandma - I will see Ruthie in 2 weeks in NC. Maybe I'll finish her Victorian T-Shirt by then.

I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hey there--

Had a ton of fun today. All the pictures of the kiddos are so great--can't wait to see Ruthie in her coat! See you at FFF.